How to Create a Searchable Blog Header

Blog HeaderHow to Create a Perfect Blog Header for Rank Search?

The only Header Tag that can help your blog to rank is the Meta Title Tag. This is limited in length and should contain a brief summary of what the Page it relates to contains and should also include the main Keyword.

The Meta Page Description has no bearing on ranking or SEO but well written can persuade a visitor to click the link to read what is on the page.

If Printing Money is in Hands of Humans, Why not Print as Much as Need?

If printing money is in the hands of humans, why not print enough money so that no one is poor in this world?

Well, imagine that: you and I and Juan are the only men in the country.

You have chickens, I have wheat and Juan has pigs.

One day we realize one thing: I want meat, you want wheat, and I don't want chickens or eggs, but Juan wants eggs.

In other words, to get what we want we have to go to the third party and hope that it wants to sell ... it's a roll.

So we decided: let's put a clear value on wheat and pig hens. Look at a chicken worth a piece of paper, a pig is worth 3 and a sack of wheat is worth half. We already have money.

What is the fastest way to become a millionaire before the age of 30?

How to Become Millionaire Within 30

It doesn't have to take long. My wife and I became millionaires in about 6 years and we were able to retire in 10 years. I was under 30 and I (ahem!) A little older. Our ambition had been to retire early, in order to concentrate on our passions. You don't have to give up everything to do it. You don't even have to have high salaries (we had lived with a low salary). We were still able to travel and live in different countries with young children (we have five of the things now). Our plan was based on property, business, and savings. Below is how we did it:

Being consistent

It may seem strange to list this, but I am a strange guy. If you want so many different things, then you will be distracted from the goal. We both started with good savings habits, which meant we had a deposit for a house before we got married.

What is the Best Way to Become a Millionaire?

The Best and Easy Way to Become a Millionaire 

A millionaire saying his story- I became a millionaire when I was 32 years old. I did not sell a business, I did not win the lottery, nor did I win much in investments but I followed a plan that does work.

1- Set your "why." Why do you want to be a millionaire? Just to tell others that you are a millionaire? Not worth it. If you want to change your legacy, if you want to spend more time with your family, if you want to help others financially, that's a “why” worthy of your work.

2- Do not borrow. Debt brings you freedom. If you have debts, pay them as soon as possible. I paid for my house in total when I was 30 years old and it has changed my life. When you have no debts, you have almost all your money to invest.

Common Myths About SEO for Your Blog

Myths about Blog

Myth: I need a plugin for SEO.

Fact: has great SEO right out of the box — you don’t have to do anything extra. In fact, WordPress takes care of 80-90 percent of the mechanics of SEO for you, according to Matt Cutts, head of Google’s webspam team. All of our themes are optimized for search engines, which means they are designed to make it easy for the Googlebot (and other search engines) to crawl through them and discover all the content.

Myth: I need to regularly submit Sitemaps to Google so it knows I’m blogging regularly.

Automatically share your posts with the world.

Blöog Post Auto Share Tips

Many of you share your posts far and wide, like Depression Comix artist Clay Jonathan, who casts a wide social net. With Publicize, let us do the sharing for you and push your new posts to Facebook, Twitter, and other services.

“If you build it, they won’t necessarily come,” says parenting blogger Emily Austin, who writes about motherhood and life at The Waiting. In her Discover interview, she gives solid tips on growing your blog and making meaningful connections, from guest posting to cross-posting to getting the word out on social media.

How Make Your Post Viral?

Viral Photo
Cute Baby Face

Viral Post-Making Eazy Tips in Simple Way
Creating viral content is a combination of creativity, strategy, and timing. While there's no guaranteed formula for making a post go viral, there are some steps you can take to increase your chances:

Understand Your Audience: Know who your target audience is, what they are interested in, and what kind of content resonates with them.

Create High-Quality Content: The content you create should be well-crafted, visually appealing, and provide value to your audience. This could be in the form of entertainment, education, inspiration, or a combination.

Originality: Try to come up with unique and original ideas that haven't been overdone. People are more likely to share something they haven't seen before.

Emotion and Storytelling: Content that evokes strong emotions or tells a compelling story is more likely to be shared. Emotional reactions such as humor, awe, inspiration, or empathy can drive virality.

Visual Appeal: Visual content, such as images, videos, and infographics, tends to perform well. Make sure your visuals are high-quality and engaging.

Useful and Practical Content: Content that offers practical tips, solutions to problems, or valuable insights tends to get shared as people want to help others by passing on useful information.

Timely and Trendy: Jumping on current trends, news, or pop culture can increase the chances of your content being shared. However, ensure that it's relevant to your brand or message.

Engagement and Interactivity: Encourage your audience to engage with your content. This could be through polls, challenges, quizzes, or interactive elements that make people want to participate and share.

Influencers and Collaborations: Partnering with influencers or other content creators who have a large following can expose your content to a wider audience.

Optimize for Sharing: Make it easy for people to share your content by including social media sharing buttons and clear calls to action.

Title and Captions: Craft catchy and intriguing titles or captions that grab attention and pique curiosity.

Platform Selection: Choose the platforms where your target audience is most active. Different platforms have different content formats and norms, so tailor your content accordingly.

Timing: Post at times when your target audience is most likely to be active. Research suggests that mornings and evenings are often good times to post, but it can vary depending on your audience.

Engage with Comments: Respond to comments and engage with your audience. This can spark discussions and increase the visibility of your post.

Consistency: Building a following takes time. Consistently posting high-quality content increases your chances of building an engaged audience that shares your content.

Remember, even with all these strategies, virality is not guaranteed. Some posts go viral due to unexpected factors, luck, or being shared by influential individuals. Focus on creating content that aligns with your brand or message and provides value to your audience. Over time, your efforts can help you build a loyal following and increase your chances of creating viral content.

How Display Blog Post In Grid View With Thumbnails Photo?

How Display Blog Post In Drid View With Thumbnails Photo

Blogger Posts displaying In Grid View With Thumbnails  

Welcome to the Blog Eazy tutorial today, I will show you how to display Blogger posts in grid view with thumbnails with pictures. Grid View is a script for a blogger blog that will display Blogger blog posts in Grid style with Thumbnails on the homepage and archive pages. This is best for blogs with videos and wallpapers. Before proceeding to the steps for adding a grid view.

If you are running a Wallpaper or Funny Images niche blog, Here is a  for you. In this article, we gonna discuss how you can display blogger posts in grid view with thumbnails. Grid View with Thumbnails is a script for self-hosted Blogger blogs that displays blog posts as a thumbnail grid of images in the homepage and archive pages. 

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