How to Know Your Blog Post Ranking Position?

Usually, blog posts are ranked on keywords so you need to know the keyword ranking position used in your blog post.

That is if you want to know which Google position your blog post ranks for a particular keyword,

How do I know the numbers my blog post is ranking?

Ahrefs SEO Repotr Sample
Fig Sample Ahrefs SEO Report

You can see it from Google Search Console >> Performance >> Average Position.

Also, if you have a Bengali blog site, you can search for specific keywords directly on Google to see where your post is ranking for that keyword.

The reason for saying Bangla blog is that the search results in Bengali are very low, so you can easily find out where your blog post is ranking in any place or position.

However, of course from the Google Search settings Results per page 10 to 100.

To determine the ranking of your blog post in search engine results, you can follow these steps:

Google Search: Most people use Google to search for information. So, start by searching for the relevant keywords or phrases that are related to your blog post. For example, if your blog post is about "best hiking trails in California," search for that phrase on Google.

Use a Rank Tracking Tool: There are various online tools and software that can help you track the ranking of your blog post for specific keywords. Some popular options include SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, and Google Search Console. Here's how to use them:

  • SEMrush: Enter your website's URL or the specific URL of the blog post you want to track. Then, specify the keywords you want to monitor. SEMrush will provide you with information on your ranking for those keywords.
  • Ahrefs: Similar to SEMrush, you can enter your URL and target keywords to track your rankings over time.
  • Moz: Moz offers a tool called Moz Pro that provides keyword tracking and ranking data. You can set up campaigns to track your blog post's performance.
  • Google Search Console: If you have your blog post indexed in Google, you can use Google Search Console to check your ranking for specific keywords. Go to your property in Google Search Console, click on "Performance," and you'll see data on your average position in search results.

Manually Check Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs): Another way to check your blog post's ranking is to manually search for your target keywords on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Scroll through the results to see where your blog post appears. Keep in mind that search results can be personalized, so you might want to use a private or incognito browsing window to get a more neutral view.

Monitor Changes Over Time: SEO rankings can fluctuate due to various factors, including competition, algorithm updates, and content changes. It's essential to monitor your rankings regularly, ideally on a weekly or monthly basis, to track progress and make adjustments to your SEO strategy accordingly.

Track Click-Through Rates (CTR): Knowing your position in search results is important, but it's also crucial to monitor your CTR. Even if your blog post ranks well, if people aren't clicking on it, it may not be effective. Google Search Console provides data on CTR, which can help you assess the performance of your titles and meta descriptions.

Analyze Analytics: You can also analyze your website's analytics data (e.g., Google Analytics) to see which pages are driving organic search traffic. This can give you insights into the effectiveness of your blog post and how it ranks compared to other pages on your site.

Remember that SEO is an ongoing process, and rankings can change over time. It's important to not only track your rankings but also continuously improve your content and SEO strategies to maintain or improve your position in search results.
Google Search Console Sample Report

How to understand the issue of average position?

See Average position means an average position in the ranking of all your articles. I hope you have understood that.

Now let me give you a small example if the average position is between 1-5, then your articles are ranking on the first page of Google search.

In other words, the lower the number of articles at the beginning of the search results the higher the search results behind or the ranking position will be.

Definition of average position: Average position refers to the average rank of your ad in search engine results or on a website where your ad is displayed. It indicates the order in which your ad appears compared to other ads. A lower average position number means your ad tends to appear higher on the page.

Importance of average position: Average position is a key metric that helps assess the visibility and performance of your ads. Higher average positions generally receive more visibility and have the potential to attract more clicks. Understanding your average position can help you optimize your ad campaigns, improve performance, and increase your chances of achieving campaign objectives.

Calculation of average position: Average position is calculated based on a scale from 1 to the maximum number of ad positions available. For example, if your ad appears as the first result on every search, your average position would be 1. If your ad appears in various positions, the average position is calculated by summing the positions and dividing by the total number of impressions.

Relationship between average position and ad performance: While a higher average position may indicate better visibility, it doesn't necessarily guarantee higher click-through rates (CTRs) or conversions. It's important to analyze the relationship between average position and other performance metrics like CTR, conversion rate, and cost-per-click (CPC) to gain a deeper understanding of your ad's effectiveness.

Factors influencing average position: Average position is influenced by various factors, including bid amount, ad quality, relevance, landing page experience, and competition from other advertisers. Ad platforms like Google Ads use complex algorithms to determine ad positions based on these factors.

Optimizing average position: If you aim to improve your average position, consider the following optimization strategies:

Increase bids: Increasing your bid amount can potentially help you secure higher ad positions. However, it's essential to analyze the impact on your ROI and cost-effectiveness.

Improve ad quality and relevance: Focus on creating compelling ad copy, using relevant keywords, and optimizing your landing pages to enhance the quality and relevance of your ads.

Monitor and refine your campaigns: Regularly monitor your ad performance, analyze the relationship between average position and other metrics, and make data-driven optimizations to improve your results.

Remember that average position is just one metric among many that contribute to the overall success of your advertising campaigns. It's important to consider your campaign goals, budget, and other performance indicators to make informed decisions and continually refine your strategies.

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