What Is Blogging?

What Is Blogging

Social media has become a new version of blogging. Take Twitter for example. Twitter was known flatout as a microblogging platform. Now people are using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Medium to get more exposure than just posting on a personal website does. 

As a matter of fact, I’m even asking people to write a blog or eBook on their personal blog. My advice would be to try putting out native content on the platforms that make the most sense for you and your audience. Then, start engaging with those who you think should see it.

29 Tips to Earn from Online Without Investment

29 Tips to Earn from Online Without Investment

29 Tips to Earn Online Without Investment

1. Travel Writer
Considered by many as the ultimate travel job, writing for online publications can help you buy your next mug of beer. Work your way to becoming the next Hunter S. Thomson by learning about the craft and querying your next inspired idea.

2. Wield that camera
National Geographic may not be knocking your door down, but that doesn’t mean that your photos don’t deserve an audience. Try selling your landscape and portrait shots to travel publications or submit them to a stock photography company such as Shutterpoint.com, Andes Press Agency, and Getty Images.

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