How Can I Increase My Earning from Blog by Ten Times

How Can I Increased My Earning from Blog by Ten Times

Tips from Eazy Blog to Earn Ten Times

SEO and eating are very closely related, without SEO your post cannot reach traffic and not get viewers or more clicks. So, we have to learn SEO to earn more. In purchase to pull the millions of internet surfers hunting the net for details, your product will demand to produce details. And as all manner of excellent material can be as effective, research that individuals still rely on Google when exploring and seeking details. Great details will keep your guests on your web page for more time and will encourage them to discuss with others.
Build a web page for people

Redirect Error in Blogger and Permanent Fixing Tips

In the context of Blogger, a "Redirect Error" typically refers to an issue where a URL redirection is not functioning as intended. Blogger is a platform provided by Google for creating and managing blogs, and it allows users to customize the URLs of their blog posts and pages. Sometimes, when you make changes to your blog's URL structure or try to set up redirects, you might encounter redirect errors. Here's a bit more detail on this:

Redirect Error in Blogger

How to use the Post Feed Footer on Blogger?

The Post Feed Footer in Blogger allows you to add content or information that will appear at the end of each blog post on your blog. You can use this section to add custom messages, calls to action, author information, or any other content you'd like to display consistently at the bottom of your posts. Here's how to use the Post Feed Footer in Blogger:

Post Feed Footer
Fig: Setting Procedure of Post Feed Footer

Step-by-step to use the post feed footer on Blogger

How Organize SEO Friendly Blog Main Menu?

A blogger's main menu on their blog website is essential for organizing and presenting content in an accessible and user-friendly manner. Here is a typical main menu structure that bloggers can use as a reference. The structure may vary depending on the type of blog and its content, but this is a general outline:

Welcome to the Main Menu for Bloggers. This menu is designed to facilitate your navigation through the variety of options that can enhance your blogging experience.

What is the Required Minimum Visitors per Day for Adsense Approval?

Adsense Approval
Fig-Plagiarism Test Result Sample

Google AdSense is an advertising program offered by Google. It allows website owners, bloggers, and content creators to monetize their online content by displaying targeted ads on their websites or YouTube channels. AdSense enables publishers to earn revenue from their online content through pay-per-click (PPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM) advertising.

At least How Many Visitors needs per Day for Adsense Approval

The specific requirement for the number of visitors per day to get approved for Google AdSense varies, as Google does not have a strict minimum traffic threshold. While there is no specific number mentioned by Google, it is generally recommended to have a consistent flow of organic traffic to your website before applying for AdSense.

How to SEO Optimize by Yourself as Pro Blogger?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial for pro blogging as it helps improve your blog's visibility in search engine results and drives organic traffic to your website. 

SEO Optimization Points for Pro Blogging

I will teach you to optimize your blog SEO as a pro, without taking any help from others or spending any money. Keep with The Blog Eazy, we will make everything easy for you.

Here are some essential SEO optimization points for pro blogging:

Read all the terms carefully and list which one is easy for you to optimize and which is difficult and more study to solve.

Google My Business Optimization


Optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) listing is crucial for local businesses looking to improve their online visibility and attract more customers. Here are some steps to optimize your GMB profile:

Claim and Verify Your Listing:

Start by claiming your GMB listing if you haven't already.

Verify your listing through the methods provided by Google, such as postcard verification or phone verification.

Complete Your Profile:

Fill out all the required information, including your business name, address, phone number, website, and category.

Creating a Grid View for Your Blog Posts

Grid View for Your Blog Posts
Sample Grid View

In the world of web design and content presentation, the grid view has become a popular and visually appealing way to showcase blog posts. It offers an organized and structured layout that can help your readers quickly browse through your content. Whether you're a blogger, a content creator, or a website owner looking to revamp your blog layout, this guide will walk you through the steps to create a stunning grid view for your blog posts.

Step-by-Step Creating a Grid View for Your Blog Posts 

You Can Optimize Off Page SEO Without an Expert

Optimize Off Page SEOPhoto Credit Jakob Owens

Off-page SEO refers to the various techniques and strategies employed outside your website to improve its visibility and search engine rankings. Unlike on-page SEO, which involves optimizing the content and structure of your website's pages, off-page SEO focuses on factors that occur off your website but still impact its online reputation, authority, and relevance to search engines.

How to Choose a Perfect Niche for Your Blog?

Before you start your blog, spend some time brainstorming your interests and areas of expertise. This will help you to narrow down potential ideas and find a niche that you can easily write about.

Tips to Choose a Perfect Niche for Your Blog

Choosing a perfect niche for your blog is an important decision that can significantly impact the success of your blog. Here are some tips to help you choose a niche that is suitable for your interests, has potential for growth, and aligns with your goals:

10 Killer Techniques to Increase Website Traffic and Coming Back

10 Killer Techniques to Increase Website Traffic and Coming Back
Malacca Canal

10 Killer Techniques You Should Know to Increase Your Website Traffic

Usually, in a guest post, the author's bio is found at the end. However, users may not click on the website link provided.
But with the help of the “Upside Down Down Guest Post” technology, you can remedy this problem.
First of all, write a great guest post related to your topic and insert a section or section of useful resources. Link your own website to a resource in this section.
Using this technique, you will find at least 70% more traffic than your author details.

How to Add Pagination in A Blog?

Adding pagination to a blog is a common practice to break up a long list of blog posts into multiple pages, making it easier for users to navigate through your content. Pagination typically involves displaying a limited number of blog posts per page and providing navigation links to move between pages. Here's how you can add pagination to your blog:

Step-by-Step Pagination Code Insert in a Blog

To Add pagination to your blog, follow these procedures step-by-step pagination code writing and insert in a blog as below:

1. Determine the Number of Posts per Page:

Decide how many blog posts you want to display on each page. This number will depend on your design and user experience preferences. Common choices are 10, 20, or 25 posts per page.

How Set Meta Tag in Your Blog for Better Search Engine Optimization

How Set Meta Tag in Your Blog for Better Search Engine Optimization

What Is Meta Tag for a Website?

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page's content; the meta tags don't appear on the page itself, but only in the page's code. We all know tags from blog culture, and meta tags are more or less the same thing, little content descriptors that help tell search engines what a web page is about.

Metadata is data (information) about data.

How Name Your Blog?

A little bit of suggestion for choosing your name

Choose a name that represents the feeling you want your brand to have. Is your blog going to be crafty, light-hearted, high-end, delicious, colorful, calming or contemplative, over-the-top, down-to-earth, friendly, professional, etc.? There will probably be many terms that could describe the type of blog you want to write but try to narrow down the list to the top three words you want people to use to describe the feeling of your site. 

How to Create Image and Video Sitemap for Blog SEO?

Front Desk of Bali Zoo
Fig A front Desk of a Zoo

Creating image and video sitemaps for your Blogger blog can help search engines index and rank your multimedia content more effectively. Sitemaps provide search engines with information about the media files on your blog, making it easier for them to include your content in search results. Here's how to create image and video sitemaps for Blogger:

How to Become a King Blogger?

Becoming a successful and influential blogger requires time, effort, and dedication. Here are some steps to help you on your journey to becoming a king blogger:

Choose your niche: Select a specific topic or area of expertise that you are passionate about and have knowledge in. Focusing on a niche helps you target a specific audience and establish yourself as an authority in that field.

Create valuable content: Consistently produce high-quality content that provides value to your audience. This can include informative articles, how-to guides, tutorials, product reviews, interviews, or engaging stories. Ensure your content is well-researched, unique, and well-written.

Why Do Blog Niches So Much Important to Blogger?

Blog niches are important because they help to define your blog's purpose and target audience. By focusing on a specific niche, you can create content that is tailored to the interests and needs of your target audience. This allows you to create more meaningful and valuable content that can help you build an engaged audience and grow your blog. Additionally, having a well-defined niche also makes it easier for potential readers or advertisers to find your blog.

Blog niches are important for bloggers for several reasons

Audience targeting: Choosing a specific niche helps you define and target a specific audience. By focusing on a particular niche, you can create content that caters to the interests, needs, and preferences of your target audience. This increases the chances of attracting and engaging the right readers who are genuinely interested in your content.

Monetization Effect on Free Domain and Primary Domain

The Blog Eazy
Fig-The Blog Eazy Emoje

Monetization refers to the process of earning revenue or making money from a product, service, content, or platform. It involves implementing strategies and tactics to generate income or profit from a particular asset or resource.

In the context of the digital world, monetization commonly refers to the strategies used to generate revenue from websites, blogs, apps, online content, social media platforms, and other digital assets. These strategies may include various methods such as advertising, subscriptions, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, selling products or services, and more.



The Effective Way to Generate Blog Titles

Blogger and WordPress are the suggested blogging programs. It’s desirable and versatile, the features for templates are endless and the wide variety of functional plug-ins make blogging available to newbies and even the most non-technical bloggers. 
Free WordPress Themes This is just a beginning point, There exist tons of sites that have free themes, but you ought to be bendy when selecting free themes because they may not work as you anticipate so you would want to begin selecting a distinct theme that is likely to or not have the colors and construct you prefer.

How to Make Real Money from Blogging?

3 Rules Become a Topper to Earn Money  from Blogging

Becoming a top blogger and earning money through blogging takes dedication, skill, and effort. While there are no specific "rules" that guarantee success, following these guidelines can significantly improve your chances:

How to Display Recent Posts on Your Blogspot Blog Pages?

Cat Blogging
Cat Face Cartoon

Step-by-step set up the display of recent posts on each page?

Displaying recent posts on each page of your website or blog can help engage visitors and encourage them to explore more of your content. To set up the display of recent posts, you typically have several options depending on your website platform or content management system (CMS). Below are some general steps that can guide you through the process:

How Start a Professional Blogging from Begaining?

professional Blogging
Blogging and SEO Campain

Why should I trust you to teach me blogging?

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The Blog Eazy Blog


Welcome to "The Blog Eazy" – your one-stop destination to make blogging an easy and enjoyable journey! Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting out, we are here to provide you with the tips, tricks, and resources to excel in the blogging world. Our mission is to simplify the process of creating, managing, and growing your blog, so you can focus on what matters most – creating valuable content for your audience.

The Blog Eazy is a Blog to Help Blogging easily

What Should be My Blog Posting Frequency?


The ideal frequency for posting on your blog can vary depending on several factors, including your goals, niche, resources, and audience. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but here are some guidelines to consider when deciding how often to publish new content on your blog:

How often should I post on my blog?

What is the Organic Traffic Value?

Organic Traffic Value (OTV) is not a commonly recognized or standardized metric in the field of digital marketing or SEO (Search Engine Optimization). It appears to be a term that may have been coined or used in specific contexts by certain individuals or organizations, but it is not widely accepted or understood in the industry.

Organic Traffic Value of a Blog

In the realm of SEO and digital marketing, several key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics are commonly used to assess the value and effectiveness of organic (non-paid) traffic to a website. Some of the more well-known metrics include:

People are Searching